Baby Food Combinations (Free Printable)
Do you ever get stuck wondering what to feed your baby when he or she is eating baby food? This may seem silly if you buy baby food from the store, because they have already done a lot of the thinking for you. And there is a wide variety of options and combinations. But if you’re like me, you have lots of homemade baby food stashed away in the freezer and need some ideas for those Stage 2 baby food combinations.
I made homemade baby food in bulk when my baby was 6-8 weeks old. It was an easy task to accomplish during nap time with an instant pot, a blender and ice cube trays. I froze all types of pureed fruits and veggies as single ingredients so they could be used for both Stage 1 and Stage 2 Combinations.
But when I went to get food out of the freezer to mix together, I felt like I would get into ruts of the same combinations over and over again. Now, I don’t think my baby minded at all, but I wanted to be sure he was getting a variety of nutrients and foods.
I scoured Pinterest and Google for baby food combinations I may not have thought of yet. I also looked at baby food combinations you can buy pre-made in grocery stores. This created a long list, but it wasn’t easy to scroll through and decide which ones to throw together.
So I ended up spending a little time and creating this chart. I found it super helpful in providing baby food combinations based on individual ingredients. It was most helpful when I would think of a food he hadn’t eaten in the last day or so, scan down the column of that particular food and see what foods to combine it with.
I mostly used this chart between the ages of 6-9 months. Only because around 9 months, my baby was consuming a diet primarily consisting of table foods and finger foods. So I don’t have some foods that are recommended to introduce at 10 months (such as strawberries or citrus fruits). I also don’t have any meats listed in this chart because our family eats a primarily plant based diet with very minimal meats.
This chart consists of 25 different food combinations and was super helpful for me. So I’m excited to share it in hopes that other moms find it helpful also. Click the button below to download the chart for FREE! And leave a comment if you found this to be helpful!

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