Pros and Cons of Free Range Chickens
Trying to decide whether or not to free range your chickens? We weigh out the pros and cons of free range chickens at our homestead to help you decide how to raise your own flock.
Pros of Free Range Chickens:
1. Happier Hens.
Freedom!!! Who wouldn’t be happier with a little bit of freedom in comparison to being “cooped” up all day long. Ha! I like to make sure all of our animals are happy and have the best life – even our chickens.
You might also be surprised at how much personality chickens have. Ours hover at the door in the morning waiting for us to open the coop door. They also like to follow us around and come running when they see we have a kitchen scrap treat or a garden grub. Seeing that also makes us want to give them freedom of free ranging.
2. Healthier Hens.
Free range chickens are able to forage and eat a wide variety of bugs, grass and seeds. This makes for healthier chickens and healthier eggs. They also pick up the grit they need to help digest their food.
3. Less feed to purchase.
When chickens are able to free range, naturally they eat less feed. Therefore, you don’t have to buy as much chicken feed.
Seems like a win-win! More cost effective and healthier!

Cons of Free Range Chickens:
1. Kiss your landscaping and flower beds goodbye.
This is probably the most frustrating part of having free range chickens. I love to have a nicely strawed flower bed. But chickens are smart enough to know there are all sorts of good bugs lurking under the straw in those flower beds. They scratch up all the pine straw, not only destroying the aesthetics – but scratching up and tearing plants in the process.

2. Beware of where you step.
Chickens are walking fertilizers. They poop everywhere…all the time. So, when they are free ranging, they don’t have any regard to where its appropriate or not appropriate to poop. My advice, just beware where you step. And definitely don’t walk inside wearing your outside shoes!
3. Predator Danger.
When chickens are out roaming and free ranging, they are a much easier target for predators. Think – neighborhood dogs, stray cats and hawks. Even your own pets might decide they want a taste of chickens. Foxes will also come out during the day time, especially in the spring time when young foxes are not as sly yet and think they are invincible. Having a rooster can help with predator deterrence or protection.
I guess it’s a personal preference on priorities when comparing pros and cons of free ranging your chickens. We choose to have happier, healthier and more frugal chickens. We don’t mind the poop, its just a given at our house. And we spend so much time outside that we are able to keep an eye out for predators for the most part.
Now the flower bed destruction kind of gets to me. I enjoy the aesthetics of my flower beds…but not after the chickens have gotten to them! I shoo them out of the beds all the time to no avail. You win some. You lose some. I guess that’s what we get in exchange for a little bug control and fresh eggs.
What are your thoughts on free range chickens?
Want some delicious toast along side fresh eggs for breakfast? Or soft fresh bread to top with egg salad? Yummy! Check out this easy bread recipe. You won’t be sorry!