Printable Cloth Diaper Liner Pattern
I knew I wanted to cloth diaper before I had kids, before I even met my husband. I love all things cloth diapering. And I can talk for days about cloth diapering. I love that it saves us so much money and is great for the environment. Think of all those disposable diapers we are keeping out of the landfill! I also love that its “old school” in a way, classic, the way things used to be…well sort of.
Cloth diapering has evolved so much over the years and is pretty easy these days. They make some cloth diapers that greatly resemble disposables. They make some with snaps and really neat fastener options other than the old safety pin. I have used all kinds and love them all…pockets, AIO’s, flats and pre-folds with covers. And I can talk about the pros and cons for each (sounds like another post for another day).
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But for the past 5 months (and my son is 9 months) we have been using covers with a pre-fold cloth insert using the simple pad fold and a cloth diaper liner. I like this for several reasons. The cover can be used more than once as long as it isn’t soiled. This means the diaper pail doesn’t fill up as fast. I don’t have to spend time stuffing pocket diapers. They fit my son the best without leaking. And I made simple cloth diaper liners that have been a total game changer!
When he was exclusively breastfeeding, the poop was water soluble. This meant I could throw all soiled diapers in the diaper pail without any rinsing, washing, swishing. (Talk about easy!!) But now that we have introduced solids throughout the day, his poop has evolved from the messy, watery, explosive breastfed poops (you know what I’m talking about) to a more firm poop. A poop that has to be flushed, not just rinsed in the washing machine.
I have a diaper sprayer that connects to the water line of our toilet. It has definitely come in handy and been used several times. But these easy DIY liners have saved me from even having to use the diaper sprayer! The poop literally just rolls right off, sometimes with a brief dunk and swish, but one that doesn’t even require your hands to get dirty! (How many times did I just say poop?)

I was amazed at how this one simple hack of DIY cloth diaper liners made my cloth diapering experience insanely easier. I mean…talk about a total game changer!! If I had one single recommendation to anyone considering cloth diapering…it would be to make these easy DIY cloth diaper liners. No sewing. No expensive specialty diaper product. All you need is a fleece blanket or material and scissors! I bought my fleece blanket from Walmart for under $5 and was able to cut more diaper liners than I even needed.
This is a similar blanket I found on Amazon if you’re wanting to order one right away!
I also made this free downloadable pattern and it works perfectly for our diaper covers on medium rise with a small sized Cloth-Eez pre-fold folded using the pad fold. This is the size that seems to fit babies for the longest amount of time that they are in diapers (medium rise, small pre-fold). Again, this was a total life changer, so I want to share the pattern and encourage you to make these liners! I promise you won’t regret it!! Click HERE to view and download it for FREE! BEST decision I’ve made so far on my cloth diapering journey.
Also, Nicki’s Diapers are my favorite covers!! I love how leak proof they are and certainly prefer ones with a double gusset! Click HERE to visit Nicki’s Diapers and get free shipping on orders over $10!
I have so much more to share about cloth diapering so feel free to subscribe below for more updates!